
Heavy baked oolong tea is well received recently

All the time, I considered that light baked oolong tea or high mountain oolong tea should be the most popular items of tea.
They are colorful, with fantastic smell and smooth taste. How come they could NOT be the 1st well-sold? Even all books which are related to Chinese tea or Taiwan tea also introduce these 'light' oolong teas so hardly, and positively............lol

Heavy Baked Oolong tea
 However, I met a particular and interesting situation these days, and this experience made me think about what kind of tea is the real 'most popular' one? For some situations and people, heavy baked oolong tea is definitely the most proper and popular drink.

That thing was when that time my friends had a conference in the evening on Friday. The participators were some professors and teachers, and they are all male exactly and a little old, around 40 to 60 years old.

My friend asked me to arrange some cups of oolong tea for this conference. According to the timing of conference and the age of the participators, my friend and I discussed the detial for a while and decided to brew some heavy baked oolong tea for these a little old and wise gentlemen finally........:)

Why? Why not light baked oolong tea?

The reasons that we considered with carefully were ..............

1. TimingThat confernece was coming at 5pm to 6pm in the evening. It was a little bit late for drinking light baked oolong tea, because it was possible to make these participators too exciting to sleep well later at night.
Heavy baked oolong tea would make people feel warm, calm and peaceful. It is good for an important conference.
Light baked oolong tea is fresh and with a lot of energy, so it is much better to drink it before 3 to 4pm or earlier. It would make you feel fresh and clear in the afternoon, or hungry sometimes......:)
2. Gender and ageThe members of conference are all male and with some age. It could reveal that they might prefer the drink and food with stronger smell and taste. Also, it is normal and natural for everyone to enjoy food with stronger flavour generally, because it provides more excitement....:D
Moreover, if the people who love to drink tea often in the daily lives, they are used to have cups of tea with stronger flavour year by year, generally.So having cups of heavy baked oolong tea is more proper than having cups of light baked oolong tea in this mature group, in this conference, positively.

3. FavoriteThe most difficult point is that we did not know these participators' favorite about drinks previously. In fact, we prepared two kinds of drink for that conference, just in case.
A glass of apple juice, and a cup of hot tea.
We supposed that some people do not like tea very much, then he could just drink that glass of apple juice. If they think tea is fine, but worry about it would be too exciting, then heavy baked oolong tea is the best choice for them.

heavy baked oolong tea leaves
 It is easy to make a cup of heavy baked oolong tea taste stronger or lighter. Just pour less or more hot water in it. The flavour of tea soup will become thick and obvious with less water, or become gentle and smooth with more water. Both are good to drink and quench thirst......:)

Even though I am still not prefer heavy baked oolong tea's taste than light baked one's, but the heavy baked oolong tea indeed appeaed in my life more often than before...haha

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