
What does the cost of tea leaves?

There are a lof ot kinds of tea in the world. Maybe too many.  :)

Here we are going to talk about the price of Oolong tea in Taiwan, but it also could be a helpful standard in your country, we believe it.

What does the price of tea involve in?

1. Fresh tea leaves
    (To make 600g tea leaves, it needs 3000g fresh tea leaves to be the raw materials approximately)
*Fresh tea leaves = the tea leaves tea farmers just pick up from tea trees
*Tea leaves = the tea leaves you usually could purchase in tea stores

2. Labor and works
   According to the process of making tea, it includes the steps: picking up, turning over for fermented,  
   rubbing, grinding, drying, baking, shaping, packing, and delivering.

3. Profit
   Tea farmers need money, middlemen(it could has several levels) needs money, and tea stores also need

These items are what you pay for to have a bag of tea leaves almost.
Later we could talk about how much tea leaves do cost usually.



現在是夏茶  現在也是秋茶

今年的父親節  在農民曆上剛好和立秋同一天  八月八日
早晨和夜晚都會比較涼爽  白天還是一隻秋老虎

在繁忙的台北大都市  溫度很高  氣候炎熱  感受到的是典型的夏天
在鹿谷茶鄉  早晚已經有明顯涼意  清晨彌漫著濃霧  是秋天來了
而在南投縣仁愛鄉2000公尺的高山上  傍晚就得要穿上大衣禦寒了........0_0"

海拔800公尺    鹿谷鄉的夏茶採收完畢  準備採收秋茶
海拔2000公尺  華岡村的秋茶已經採收完畢而且製成茶葉
是的  才是八月下旬而已
而十月中 華岡村就要開始採收冬茶了

室外溫度飆高  室內冷氣開得很大
而一位賣茶的朋友說:秋天來了............ :))




杯子裏永遠斟滿的  是30年前沒賣掉的茶製成的老茶
明亮的磚紅色  飽滿圓潤  真是難得喝到的茶啊!

我問:哪裡的茶你覺得最好喝啊? 梨山還是大禹嶺? 還是....(我猜想可能越高越好........)
他答:做的好的茶  就很好喝  你們杉林溪那裡的就很好喝
他笑說:我以前用海拔200公尺的茶  做的都比高海拔的還好........
賣茶葉的人都習慣  也喜歡說這種很誇張的話  :)

不過  還真的不是哪裡的茶一定比較好
而是做的好的茶比較好 (價格又便宜的話更好....haha)


What is Oolong Tea? by Andrew

Speaking English to explain that "What is Oolong Tea?"

Quoted from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxhwJzu7BAc&feature=feedf
It is a very useful and helpful video, which is made by Andrew, for Foreigners who speak English to get close to Oolong Tea much easier.






書的照片裡,負責煮茶的是一名大約十歲的小男童,露出一口白牙對著鏡頭笑,一手熟練的舀起一瓢茶葉放到熱水壺中;煮個二、三分鐘,加入香甜的牛奶,再在兩個金屬杯中倒來倒去增加和空氣的接觸,可以讓茶葉和牛奶的香味更加融合而且濃郁香甜,一杯只要2塊盧比,每個人都可以享受的美味,遇到朋友,還可以大方的請客一下 :)  這點聽起來真是棒極了!!




Assam 阿薩姆紅茶






Light Baked Oolong Tea Supreme

We name our tea by its characters and properties on purpose.

light baked oolong tea supreme
 Because tea in itself represents its value authentically.

Same as all kinds of agricultural products, the quality of tea is affected by some factors, temperature, rainfall, ground, and attention from farmer. Tea trees prefer lower temperature, to be surrounded by cloud and fog, acidy soil, proper rainfall, and tea farmers' love. :) With all above specific factors, tea trees could grow up in a best environment, and tea leaves would be juicy and fragrant.

Generally, people buy tea by the origins of tea trees. We have to say that indeed origin is an obvious and effective index to reflect the price of tea these days. However, there are still some worse tea in these famous origins, and there are some quite good ones in other places naturally. The better way to find out your  favorite tea is to drink it directly.

We name our tea by its characters and properties on purpose, and wish all friends could be aware of the "true value" of tea and admire it, instead of price and origin only.

Light Baked Golden Oolong Tea

We name our tea by its characters and properties on purpose.
Because tea in itself represents its value authentically.

light baked golden oolong tea

Golden Oolong Tea which was invented by Taiwanese, is famous for its light milk smell.
Golden Oolon Tea is one kind of tea trees, and has very strong physique to against destructive insects.
Also, you may hear some nicknames, such as 27 and Taiwanese tea number 12, which all mean Golden Oolong tea.

Light Baked Golden Oolong tea combines the specifics of Golden Oolong Tea and regular Oolong tea. The smell is light, alike milk, fresh and elegant and the taste is round and smooth. You may say it is a kind of modest and meek Oolong tea.

Just release any concepts you have ever got about tea for a while, have a cup of Light Baked Golden Oolong Tea right now. Try to drink it yourself and get to know what is Golden Oolong Tea.