
Oolong tea vs. Wu-Long tea vs. 烏龍茶

Hello guys,

Good to see you again.

light baked golden oolong tea
 After I watched the video which explained that Oolong tea is Wu-Long tea actually, I figured out that the better way to recognize Oolong tea or Chinese tea is to have some concepts of Chinese language and culture which are related to tea first. It will be more simple, easy, and interesting.

First of all, let us obtain Oolong tea's Chinese name, 烏龍茶. It has three Chinese characters. If we translate it into English word by word, it will be "Black Dragon Tea"!!??


Brian + Oolong + Tea

Hello everybody,

This is Brian. I created this blog because someday I watched a video which was talking about oolong tea by a male and handsome occidental. It makes me want to do something deeply.

At first, I am a Taiwanese, and have been in love with tea for long long time, maybe more than 10 years. I drink tea often and also sell it to my friends now.

Further, I like English, although my English is just fine (so you are very welcome to correct my English all the time) . And I also could speak Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English. Well, maybe few Japanese and ....Italian??  :)

What I want to do is to introduce tea to you in the point of view of a Taiwanese, especially Oolong tea, in an interesting way with correct information. Why is Oolong tea?