
不懂茶的人 和 很貴的茶



後來稍微深切地想了一下,我感覺幸運的部分是甚麼?好像是因為這茶價值幾百萬元而興奮,而覺得幸運,對於茶葉本身的滋味和香氣,似乎沒有那麼興奮 ( 想到這一點,真覺得自己很庸俗 -_-" ),主要的原因,或許是我不太懂普洱茶吧。














wait a moment "終於"要在魚麗佈置一個泡茶空間了!!

基於種種主、客觀因素,包括茶葉品項的決定、茶葉價格的規則、販售通路的選擇等等,以及............個人的懶惰 -_-";wait a moment 一直持續以牛步 (或許看起來比較像是蝸牛的 :) ) 的速度緩慢但是非常穩定的走著,一晃眼三年過去,除了銷售額依然還在潛水中,還好忠實的客戶朋友們的有增無減,還帶來有關茶葉的許多回應,這些都成為我們一路上的花香和風景,真的由衷感謝每一位朋友的陪伴。

最重要的動力,來自於魚麗朋友們的熱忱和大方,不但將 wait a moment 的商品擺在最醒目的位置,甚至更創造出可以泡茶、喝茶的空間,讓 wait a moment 的茶葉與對茶的心意,可以在現場和每一位進來魚麗的朋友分享,這一直是我們夢寐以求的事情,沒想到在三年後竟然就這樣出現了!




Do not listen to specialists while you are purchasing a package of tea

Recently I had an interesting conversation with one of my best friend, Richer.
He likes Golden oolong tea and Assam black tea in wait a moment.

Richer said, 'What do you think that western people like Chinese tea or not, especially oolong tea?'.

I said, '........'.

Richer said, 'Just like those herb teas, from western countries. Do you like herb tea, such as rose tea, mint tea or fruit tea?'.

I said, 'Hum, I don't like herb very much because ........'.

Richer said, 'See. It is same. Maybe western people feel the same way about oolong tea as you in the beginning. And then you have to introduce the value of oolong tea to them at first. Take them to the entrance of the world of tea. Show them how the world of tea beautiful and various is through professional and relaxed methods.'. 

I said, 'I think you are right. In my opinion, the better way to get close to some things new is to experience them by yourself first , and just remember the feel you get purely. Later, if the experience is wonderful, then figure out which one or two make you impressive. Finally it is the proper time to check the data and go get some information from those "specialists".'.

Richer said, 'Why did you use punctuation marks, " ", here?'. 
( How Richer hear the punctuation marks? :) )

I said, 'The favorite of tea is personal and private. No matter how people are new to the world of tea, their private experience is the most important element in this world. Some people are sensitive about feel, taste, fragrance,and so on, but they are minority. Most people are insensitive, yes. Seems the right way is to listen to "specialists" first, but it is totally wrong.'.

Richer said,'How come?'.

I said, '1st, the world of tea is various. How do you know the "specialists" is professional in which tea? 2nd, it is normal and usual that a person introduce what he or she prefer to you, but you do not like it actually. For example, I like to have a cup of black tea every morning, I will recommend you to have some in the morning unconsciously, if you ask me something about tea. 3rd, I might like oolong tea because of its fragrance, but it does not mean you will like it, even thought I show you everything wonderful about oolong tea hardly. 4th, ........'.

Richer said, 'OK! OK! I understand what you mean. You just said that I am necessary to have my own experience and ideas before I ask for advice, right? And no matter what you or "specialists" say, I should be true and loyal to what I really feel while I am drinking a cup of tea instead of just listen to you or "specialists", and do not ignore my personal feel and experience, even it is small.'.

I said, 'Yes, that is totally right. You are intelligent!'. 